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Cookie Policy

Cookies are small strings that are saved locally within the user's browser to exchange information with the website.

These strings are used for various features including session analysis, storing information to improve the browsing experience or site functionality. The cookies that are saved during navigation can come from the site itself (proprietary) or be installed by tools or objects contained within the website (third parties).

The general provision of the Privacy Authority (GU no. 126 of 3 June 2014) defines two types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies - Used for the sole purpose of allowing the transmission of a communication, completing a service requested by the user or carrying out statistical research.
  • Profiling cookies - Used to record a user's behavior and preferences expressed in order to send advertising messages in line with their profile.

Types of cookies

This website uses both technical and third-party cookies, commercial partners such as suppliers and web providers who can install their own cookies in relation to the functioning of the services they offer.

These are the cookies that are used by the individual company MADOTI on the website

Category: Technicians
Type: Owners
Expiration: -
Default Purpose: "These cookies allow the correct functioning of the website and the user's browsing preferences including the language or access to reserved areas. The user can delete or disable them, however compromising some features of the website. In this case, please refer to the "Disable cookies" section of this information."

Category: Statistics
Type: Third party
Expiration: -
Default Purpose: Google Analytics is a free tool from Google that allows you to collect information on the use and browsing experience of users on the website. We use this information to optimize the contents and elements of the website without collecting any personal information from users whose IP address data is recorded anonymously.
Place of processing: USA
See the relevant privacy policy

Category: Social Networks
Type: Third party
Expiration: -
Default Purpose: These cookies are provided by Facebook Social Plugins and are used for sharing content on the social network.
Place of processing: USA
Consult the relevant privacy policy

Category: Social Networks
Type: Third party
Expiration: -
Default Purpose: Social plugin for Instagram. These are parts of the visited page generated directly by the aforementioned sites and integrated into the page of the host site. The most common use of this social plugin is aimed at sharing content on the Instagram social network.
Place of processing: USA
Consult the relevant privacy policy

Disable cookies

Google Analytics cookies can be disabled through the appropriate add-on installed in the browser or by clicking on the following link.

Disable Google Analytics cookies

Browsers are usually enabled to accept cookies from websites. However, it is possible to control and disable cookies through the settings of each browser. This restriction may compromise some functionality of this website. Alternatively, you can disable the receipt of cookies from specific suppliers through the tool available on the website

Below we report the procedures for disabling cookies of the most common browsers

Google Chrome

  • Open Chrome on your computer.
  • Click More then Settings at the top right.
  • At the bottom click Advanced.
  • Click Content Settings in the "Privacy and Security" section.
  • Click Cookies.
  • From here you can:
  • Enable cookies: Enable the option next to "Blocked".
  • Disable cookies: Disable the Allow sites to save and read cookie data option.

For more information, the dedicated page is available:

Mozilla Firefox

  • Click the Menu button and select Preferences.
  • Select the Privacy & Security panel and navigate to the History section.
  • Under History settings: select use custom settings.
  • To activate cookies, mark the Accept cookies from websites option; to deactivate them, remove the mark from the item.
  • Choose how long cookies can remain stored:
  • Keep them until:
  • upon their expiration: cookies will be removed when they reach the expiration date (date set by the site that sends the cookies).
  • when you close Firefox: the cookies stored on your computer will be removed when you close Firefox.
  • Close the about:preferences page. Any changes you make will be automatically saved.

For more information, the dedicated page is available:

Internet Explorer

  • In Internet Explorer, select the Tools button and then Internet Options.
  • Select the Privacy tab and then in Settings move the slider up to block all cookies or down to allow all cookies, then select OK.

For further information, the dedicated page is available:


  • Open the Safari browser and locate the Preferences menu
  • Select the Privacy item and set the desired preference for enabling or storing cookies.

For further information, the dedicated page is available:


  • Open the Opera Browser and locate the Preferences menu
  • Select Advanced and then Cookies
  • Set the desired preferences for completely blocking or partially storing cookies.

For further information, the dedicated page is available:

Data Controller

The data controller is: Valentina Bianco
Registered office: Via Provinciale 4/b, 12030, Gambasca, CN
VAT number 03827150040
Contact details: