Monte è uno strumento progettato per allenare motricità ed equilibrio
Monte è pieghevole e permette al bambino di esplorare e sviluppare in sicurezza le sue capacità motorie. Quando inizia a muoversi e ad arrampicarsi su sedie, divani o altri mobili, questa struttura diventa una risorsa ideale, riducendo i rischi di incidenti domestici e offrendo un’alternativa più sicura per esercitarsi.
·Legno massello di Acero locale
·Legno Multistrato di Betulla certificato PEFC
·Vernici a base d'acqua certificata secondo la normativa sulla sicurezza dei giocattoli EN71.3
Tutti i materiali sono testati per la sicurezza sui giocattoli e conforme alla normativa 2009/48/CE.
Il triangolo è dotato di blocco di sicurezza che permette una rapida chiusura per essere riposto.
Da 0 a 99 anni

Un ostacolo perfetto a partire dal gattonamento
Rinforza la fiducia in sé: incoraggia l’autonomia e il desiderio di esplorare, permettendo al bambino di sentirsi capace e sicuro nel movimento.

Un aiuto per i primi passi
Sviluppa abilità motorie: aiuta i più piccoli a migliorare equilibrio, agilità e forza.

Una palestra dagli infiniti usi
Soddisfa la naturale esigenza di movimento: risponde al bisogno del bambino di arrampicarsi in un ambiente sicuro.

Uno scivolo per infinite attività Ludiche

Una rampa per l'arrampicata

Una capanna per infiniti giochi di ruolo

Pikler triangle with ramp
- Fun and adventures
- Endless opportunities for play and learning
- A valuable tool to promote movement and balance.
- A perfect tunnel to encourage crawling
- A play gym that can be used from the first months of life
- A climbing structure that stimulates mobility
- The possibility of becoming infinite games
- A little house to take refuge in
- A slide
- A climbing wall
- A piece of design 100% made in Italy designed and produced to be passed down from generation to generation
Last units available in 5 working days
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Only sustainable materials

100% made in Italy

Free shipping in Italy

Shipping in 1-2 weeks
The Pikler triangle is an important teaching tool devised by Hungarian paediatrician Emmi Pikler.
At the heart of Pikler's pedagogy is the principle of active education.
It is important to provide a home environment that allows free movement in space in order to foster not only physical but also emotional and relational development.
The functions of this important pedagogical tool are endless.
The adult's task is not to guide the child in his or her movements, but rather to provide the child with a safe environment appropriate to his or her developmental stage, providing support and intervening if necessary, in order to ensure that the activity takes place safely.
Our Triangle includes a ramp, exactly as the famous paediatrician's original design envisaged.
The MADOTI Triangle is foldable and fitted with a safety lock that allows the structure to be secured when open or closed.
We supply the product assembled to ensure the stability of the structure.
In addition to its playful function, our triangle is designed to be used as an aesthetic element of furniture. We assemble the structure ourselves so that there are no visible screws that would spoil its harmony.
Width: 80cm
Height: 80cm
Depth: 93
Height: 92
Width: 22
Solid lime wood from local forests and birch plywood.
Treatment with water-repellent water-based paint certified EN 71.3 for toy safety.
Monte will arrive assembled. All you have to do is open it and start playing.
Monte can be cleaned with a damp cloth without additional detergents.
The surface of the solid wood is worked, sanded and treated with a natural and certified water-based varnish which ensures hygiene and durability.
Monte complies with toy safety regulations and is made with materials tested and certified according to regulation 2009/48/CE.
Maximum load capacity: 50 kg
Age: 1+
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How do we do it

Made to order
We produce following the request to avoid waste, we follow your needs and thanks to local production we are able to create products tailored for you.
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Made to last
Our products are taken care of in every detail to be safe, beautiful and essential. We want to offer products that can last over time and be passed down from generation to generation.
Discover our mission
Made for circularity
We are determined to break the chain of disposable cultures in the world of children's toys and furniture. We want to design Madoti for circularity and offer multiple routes to ensure continuous circulation.
The promise we make to our children